Gil Hardwick is up to his old tricks, blaming everyone except himself for his troubles. He has attempted as cleverly as possible to muddy everyone who he has ever had an axe to grind against, but he only hurts himself. His ramblings sound like a man in paralysis, someone who was abused and must himself abuse others to find succour for his pitiful attempt to make something of himself. But Hardwick’s ramblings are like a parody, a disjointed monologue of a failed writer and academic who hurt children and was jailed for it. Since his release from jail he continues to maintain his innocence, despite the fact that thousands of images of underage children were found on his hard drives. His self justification and rebuke of all others who have dared to stand up to him is a pathetic attempt at keeping him in the spotlight, but the stinking rodent has no hole left, just the one he dug for himself.

The worst he could say about me is that I posted a naked picture of myself on the net. OMG Gil Hardwick is that the best that you’ve got? It’s time you moved on, you sorry bastard, and forgave your father for raping you.

Well I have moved on, and now live near the ocean in a nice part of Melbourne, studying philosophy at Monash. A new career in a new town, as Bowie once said, although I could just as easily say, “Always crashing in the same car…”

After fifteen years of procrastination Margaret River has finally been delivered its long awaited Town Planning Scheme # 1. Let us hope that it provides some parameters in which the environment is protected from the worst excesses of unchecked development.

I won’t be posting here again. I’ve made enough enemies in this little blog. If anyone wants to keep up with my life they can check out and email me at

The bane of Margaret River society, Gil Hardwick, was sentenced to 16 months in jail for his recent conviction on child sex charges.

The psychiatric assessment considered that Mr Hardwick was schizophrenic.

Indeed Hardwick was both confused and delusional, but his crimes and his conduct in Margaret River also demonstrate a level of pathological behaviour that will continue to remain a threat to society if left untreated.

Again I ask why did local architect Chris Willcox bail Mr Hardwick, but we should also be asking why a local internet cafe employed Mr Hardwick during his remand process, an internet cafe that not only provided Mr Hardwick with access to multiple computers, but which is situated adjacent to the most prominent children’s playground in Margaret River.

Life is all about renewal,and twentyone years ago the town and region of Margaret River renewed and enthused me.

It no longer does that, and the animosity that has build up in the community towards me leaves me with little alternative but to leave.

I hope my journey continues to open doors of enthusiasm and renewal, but it will not be here.

Margaret River had a golden opportunity to be something special. It no longer is, alas.

Anyway, that is all by the by. I note with interest that architect Chris Willcox has recently involved himself in planning matters of the shire. One might think of him as Johnnie Come Lately for arriving so late to push his agenda for more Westpacs, more disingenuous design, more proliferation of development and exploitation of the environment.

Chris Willcox bailed the convicted paedophile Gil Hardwick when he was initially arrest and charged with crimes of paedophilia against children. He later colluded with Mr Hardwick in emails that were meant to hurt my name, and made false accusations against me to my person.

I asked you at the time, Mr Willcox, why you chose to support such an individual, and I will ask it again, in public, that you might provide a public response. It should be noted that Mr hardwick was very enthusiastic towards the Westpac Bank Design, as readers of Kim Murray’s site wil have been aware of.

I wonder at the people who are running the agenda of this town, and their motives. I wonder at their fitness to rule a society, in whatever role they perform.

Many people will question my own fitness, but everything that I am is on the public record. I do not shy away from it. I say thank you to my friends, and fuck off to my enemies, you can’t hurt me any more.

This Council is corrupt. Let there be no question about that.

The only reason Council continues to flog the dead horse of a perimeter road is to provide a reason for it’s super expansion of East Margaret River. In order to convince local people that we need that expansion, it touts the perimeter road as an answer ro everything.

The perimeter road is an answer to nothing. To further its case for a perimeter road east of Melbourne it concocts grossly exaggerated population figures forecast thirty years into the future. This is corrupt. The state government and ABS have provided extrapolated figures of 3.3% growth for the foreseeable future for our Shire. Why then does Council press forward with figures of 5.5%? It can only be to provide for the greatest possible land division east of Margaret River. It wants to create an excuse to subdivide. To provide development opportunities for developers. How is this not corrupt?

Council has gone to the land developers to ask them what their contribution would be to a future road. These developers have said they will refuse to contribute to the closer alignment, but they will provide up to 16 million dollars for a future alignment further east. Of course such commitments are without substance. If there is no road there is no contribution. But it forces Council to accept the secondary alignment, which accommodates this further expansion into the rural amenity of our town. These developers have one object, and it is not the welfare of present residents. Once they get the green light, once the zoning changes from rural, they can do almost anything.

It is corrupt for Council to say that Mains Roads is only waiting for the finalisation of the concept plan before it makes a decision on the perimeter road. Mains Roads has said on numerous occasions that there will be no perimeter road for Margaret River. Certainly not any time soon. Anyone who thinks Mains Roads is going to contribute more than twenty million dollars to an unnecessary road for Margaret River has rocks in their head. read what they have said in the past. A road is not warranted. A road will not be built.

But Council must continue to flog this dead horse to convince the masses that we need this super expansion of Margaret River. This Council no longer reflects the aspirations of this community. This Council is corrupt.

This Shire needs the present Council to be sacked, for administrators to come in. These administrators should not leave until we have a workable Scheme up and running.

In 1994 it was recognised that we were already five years late in drafting a new scheme for this shire, a new planning document to reflect the current view of development in our shire that accommodates other state and federal planning documents. Almost fifteen years have passed since then. This shire is still waiting for its document.

The document has been rejected by the state planning tribunal because of discrepancies int eh document which Council refuses to correct.

In the same way the State Planning Department will reject this present push by Council. And so planning will continue to proceed in a haphazard and reckless manner.

Ever since we went from eleven councillors to seven we have had dysfunction at Council.

We need a return to eleven Councillors, with four coming from Margaret River. This would fairly represent the population base of Margaret River. It would also result in a more moderate and democratic council. This council is corrupt.

The time has come to make this change, to get back to basics, to throw out this present Council that has corrupted every aspect of the local government process in our shire.

This council is corrupt and it is time we made them know it.

James trail is preparing to leave Margaret River after eight years of shameless pandering to the development lobby of this shire.

Council is bereft of an ethic. It continues to press for a perimeter road to nowhere that will cater for much mor eland development than current population trends warrant. This is designed to favour the developers and the real estate agents at the cost of good and responsible planning, and proves that this Council’s priority is not to serve the people of this shire but to press home its present advantage with a Council stacked in the developers’ favour.

Indeed James trail will not be missed. It will take years to repair the shambles he has left this shire’s planning processes in!!!

Guilty as Charged! Gil Hardwick is in remand awaiting psychiatric assessment and sentencing for indecent dealing with an 8yo boy, and for possession of child pornography. He was found guilty on April 23 2008, and the judge remarked that Mr Hardwick seemed to be in denial over his crimes, which Mr Hardwick claimed were a product of anthropological research.

We can hope that this will be the last Margaret River sees of this diseased and corrupt human being.

Council has decided to take legal action against myself for publishing a remark suggesting james trail was being paid for by developers.

I wish it to be known that I have no idea who pays James Trail, I am sure he has several sources of income, including the Shire and interest earnings. Any other source of income I am not aware of and have no evidence of.

My statement made on October 23 on this website and emailed to several people was meant to imply that James trail and the Council are in th pockets of the developers, in the sense that they do their bidding, whatever their personal motives might be. They do their bidding as surely as the Mail does their bidding, and the reason the mail does their bidding is because they receive significant advertising dollars from the real estate and developer lobby. At least that i smy belief.

I did not intend to impune that James trail receives financial reimbursement from developers, and that was never my intent. I have never had proof of this and if I did have proof I would intend take it to the Crime and Corruption Commission.

So to James I unreservedly apologise for any hardship done to him. I am sure his finances are in order, and I hope he pays his taxes like every good citizen should.

I would like to say to people, considering it is this remark, and only this remark, that has drawn the attention of the Council in everything that I have written here, we must assume that everything else is demonstrably true. So thanks Council for the thumbs up!

Noel Conway

John Howard has made his forlorn pitch for reelection with a promise on tax rebates for education and money for housing, two issues where the Labour Party has already launched policy. It would seem as if me-tooism has caught the Government in its last gasp effort to hold desperately onto the power it has abused for the past eleven years.

On Monday Peter Garrett did an amazing backflip on climate change, deciding not to allow Australia to lead the way for the rest of the world on setting achievable targets for greenhouse emissions.

Not to be outdone, on Tuesday Tony Abbott did the triple bellyflop, accusing a dying man of not being genuine, arriving 35 minutes late for a nationally televised live debate on health, and failing to deliver the promised resurrection of the Mersey Hospital in Tasmania.

That’s not a bad day, that’s a fiasco.

Is he trying to beat the Prime Minister for the number of broken promises in a single day?